BARGE member profile — Dr Ken Reimer

Dr Ken Reimer

Royal Military College of Canada
PO Box 17000
Station Forces
K7K 7B4



Koch, I, Dee, J, House, K, Sui, J, Zhang, J, McKnight-Whitford, A, and Reimer, K J.  2013.  Bioaccessibility and speciation of arsenic in country foods from contaminated sites in Canada.  Science of The Total Environment, 449, 1–8.

Koch, I, Moriarty, M, Sui, J, Rutter, A, Saper, R B, and Reimer, K J.  2013.  Bioaccessibility of mercury in selected ayurvedic medicines.  Science of The Total Environment, 454–455, 9–15.

Koch, I, Reimer, K J, Bakker, M I, Basta, N T, Cave, M R, Denys, S, Dodd, M, Hale, B A, Irwin, R, Lowney, Y W, Moore, M M, Paquin, V, Rasmussen, P E, Repaso-Subang, T, Stephenson, G L, Siciliano, S D, Wragg, J, and Zagury G J.  2013.  Variability of bioaccessibility results using seventeen different methods on a standard reference material, NIST 2710.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 48, 641–655.


Koch, I, and Reimer, K J.  2012.  Bioaccessibility extractions for contaminant risk assessment.  Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, 3, 487–507.

Koch, I, Moriarty, M, Sui, J, Gibson, B, and Reimer, K J.Insolubility of Cr2O3 in bioaccessibility tests points to requirement for a new human oral reference dose for trivalent chromium.  Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 18, 1292–1306.

Moriarty, M M, Koch, I, and Reimer, K J.  2012.  Arsenic speciation, distribution, and bioaccessibility in shrews and their food.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 62, 529–538.


Meunier, L, Koch, I, and Reimer, K J.  2011.  Effect of particle size on arsenic bioaccessibility in gold mine tailings of Nova Scotia.  Science of The Total Environment, 409, 2233–2243.

Saunders, J R, Knopper, L D, Koch, I, and Reimer, K J.  2011.   Inclusion of soil arsenic bioaccessibility in ecological risk assessment and comparison with biological effects .  Science of The Total Environment, 412–413, 132–137.

Wragg, J, Cave, M, Basta, N, Brandon, E, Casteel, S, Denys, S, Grøn, C, Oomen, A, Reimer, K, Tack, K, and Van de Wiele, T.  2011.  An inter-laboratory trial of the unified BARGE bioaccessibility method for arsenic, cadmium and lead in soil.  Science of The Total Environment, 409, 4016–4030.


Meunier, L, Walker, S R, Wragg, J, Parsons, M B, Koch, I, Jamieson, H E, and Reimer, K J.  2010.  Effects of soil composition and mineralogy on the bioaccessibility of arsenic from tailings and soil in gold mine districts of Nova Scotia.  Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 2667–2674.

Meunier, L, Wragg, J, Koch, I, and Reimer, K J.  2010.  Method variables affecting the bioaccessibility of arsenic in soil.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 45, 517–526.


Ollson, C A, Koch, I, Smith, P, Knopper, L D, Hough, C, and Reimer, K J.  2009.  Addressing arsenic bioaccessibility in ecological risk assessment: A novel approach to avoid overestimating risk.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28, 668–675.


Bennett, J R, Kaufman, S A, Koch, I, Sova, J, and Reimer, K J.  2007.  Ecological risk assessment of lead contamination at rifle and pistol ranges using techniques to account for site characteristics.  Science of The Total Environment, 374, 91–101.

Kaufman, C A. Bennett, J R, Koch, I, and Reimer, K J.  2007.  Lead bioaccessibility in food web intermediates and the influence on ecological risk assessment< Environmental Science & Technology, 41, 5902–5907.

Koch, I, McPherson, K, Smith, P, Easton, L, Doeb, K G, and Reimer, K J.  2007.  Arsenic bioaccessibility and speciation in clams and seaweed from a contaminated marine environment.  Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54, 586–594.

Koch, I, Sylvester, S, Laib V W-M, Owen, A, Reimer, K J, and Cullen, W R.  2007.  Bioaccessibility and excretion of arsenic in Niu Huang Jie Du Pian pills.  Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 222, 357–364.


Cave, M, Wragg, J, Klinck, B, Grøn, C, Oomen, A, van de Wiele, T, Ollson, C, Koch, I, Reimer, K, Basta, N, and Tack, K.  2006.  Preliminary assessment of a unified bioaccessibility method for potentially harmful elements in soils.


Reimer, K J, Ollson, C A, and Koch, I.  2003.  An approach for characterizing arsenic sources and risk at contaminated sites: Application to gold mining sites in Yellowknife, NWT, Canada.  Biogeochemistry of Environmentally Important Trace Elements, 835, 166–180.