BARGE member profile — Dr Joanna Wragg

Dr Joanna Wragg
BARGE Secretary

British Geological Survey
Kingsley Dunham Centre
NG12 5GG
United Kingdom



Pelfrêne, A, Cave, M R, Wragg, J and Douay, F.  2017.  In Vitro Investigations of Human Bioaccessibility from Reference Materials Using Simulated Lung Fluid. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017, 14(2), 112.


Beriro, D J, Cave, M R, Wragg, J, Thomas, R, Wills, G, and Evans, F.  2016.  A review of the current state of the art of physiologically based tests for measuring human dermal in vitro bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soil.  Journal of Hazardous Materials, 305, 240–259.

Marinho–Reis, A P, Shepherd T, Nowell, G, Cachada, A, Costa Duarte, A, Cave, M, Wragg, J, Patinha, C, Dias, A, Rocha, F, Ferreira da Silva, E, Sousa, A J, Prazes, C and Batista, M J. 2016. Source and pathway analysis of lead and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Lisbon urban soils. Science of The Total Environment, 573, 324–336.


Cave, M R, Vane, C H, Kim, A, Moss-Hayes, V L, Wragg, J, Richardson, C L, Harrison, H, Nathanail, C P, Thomas, R, and Wills, G.  2015.  Measurement and modelling of the ingestion bioaccessibility of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in soil.  Environmental Technology & Innovation, 3, 35–45.

Cave, M, Wragg, J, Gowing, C, and Gardner, A.  2015.  Measuring the solid-phase fractionation of lead in urban and rural soils using a combination of geochemical survey data and chemical extractions.  Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 37, 779–790.

Palmer, S, McIlwaine, R, Ofterdinger, U, Cox, S F, McKinley, J M, Doherty, R, Wragg, J, and Cave, M.  2015.  The effects of lead sources on oral bioaccessibility in soil and implications for contaminated land risk management.  Environmental Pollution, 198, 161–171.

Palumbo-Roe, B, Wragg, J, and Cave, M.  2015.  Linking selective chemical extraction of iron oxyhydroxides to arsenic bioaccessibility in soil.  Environmental Pollution, 207, 256–265.

Reis, A P, Costa, S, Santos, I, Patinha, C, Noack, Y, Wragg, J, Cave, M, and Sousa, A J.  2015.  Investigating relationships between biomarkers of exposure and environmental copper and manganese levels in house dusts from a Portuguese industrial city.  Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 37, 725–744.


Reis, A P, Patinha, C, Costa, S P, Dias, A C and Wragg, J.  2014.  Human exposure to low arsenic levels in urban dusts: a pilot study carried out in the city of Estarreja, Portugal. In One Century of the Discovery of Arsenicosis in Latin America (1914-2014).  Litter, M I, Nicolli, H B, Meichtry, M, Quici, N, Bundschuh, J, Bhattacharya, P, and Naidu, R (editors).

Reis, A P, Patinha, C, Wragg, J, Dias, A C, Cave, M, Sousa, A J, Batista, M J, Prazeres, C, Costa, C, Ferreira da Silva, E, and Rocha, F.  2014.  Urban geochemistry of lead in gardens, playgrounds and schoolyards of Lisbon, Portugal: Assessing exposure and risk to human health.  Applied Geochemistry, 44, 45–53.

Reis, A P, Patinha, C, Wragg, J, Dias, A C, Cave, M, Sousa, A J, Costa, C, Cachada, A, Ferreira da Silva, E, Rocha, F, and Duarte, A.  2014.  Geochemistry, mineralogy, solid-phase fractionation and oral bioaccessibility of lead in urban soils of Lisbon.  Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 36, 867–881.

Wragg, J, Cave, M, and Gregory, S.  2014.  The solid phase distribution and bioaccessibility of arsenic, chromium, and nickel in natural ironstone soils in the UK.  Applied and Environmental Soil Science.


Abrahams, P W, Davies, T C, Solomon, A O, Trow, A J,and Wragg, J.  2013.  Human geophagia, calabash chalk and Undongo: mineral element nutritional implications.  PLOS ONE.

Appleton, J D, Cave, M R, Palumbo-Roe, B, and Wragg, J.  2013.  Lead bioaccessibility in topsoils from lead mineralisation and urban domains, UK.  Environmental Pollution, 178, 278–287.

Cave, M R, Wragg, J, and Harrison, H.  2013.  Measurement modelling and mapping of arsenic bioaccessibility in Northampton, United Kingdom.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 48, 629–640.

Cox, S F, Chelliah, M C M, McKinley, J M, Palmer, S, Ofterdinger, U, Young, M E, Cave, M R, and Wragg, J.  2013.  The importance of solid-phase distribution on the oral bioaccessibility of Ni and Cr in soils overlying Palaeogene basalt lavas, Northern Ireland.  Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 35, 553–567.

Koch, I, Reimer, K J, Bakker, M I, Basta, N T, Cave, M R, Denys, S, Dodd, M, Hale, B A, Irwin, R, Lowney, Y W, Moore, M M, Paquin, V, Rasmussen, P E, Repaso-Subang, T, Stephenson, G L, Siciliano, S D, Wragg, J, and Zagury, G J.  2013.  Variability of bioaccessibility results using seventeen different methods on a standard reference material, NIST 2710.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 48, 641–655.

Palumbo-Roe, B, Wragg, J, Cave, M R, and Wagner, D.  2013.  Effect of weathering product assemblages on Pb bioaccessibility in mine waste: implications for risk management.  Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20, 7699–7710.


Appleton, J D, Cave, M R, and Wragg, J.  2012.  Anthropogenic and geogenic impacts on arsenic bioaccessibility in UK topsoils.  Science of The Total Environment, 435–436, 21–29.

Appleton, J D, Cave, M R, and Wragg, J.  2012.  Modelling lead bioaccessibility in urban topsoils based on data from Glasgow, London, Northampton and Swansea, UK.  Environmental Pollution, 171, 265–272.

Barsby, A, McKinley, J M, Ofterdinger, U, Young, M, Cave, M R, and Wragg, J.  2012.  Bioaccessibility of trace elements in soils in Northern Ireland.  Science of The Total Environment, 433, 298–417.

Denys, S, Caboche, J, Tack, K, Rychen, G, Wragg, J, Cave, M, Jondreville, C, and Feidt, C.  2012.  In vivo validation of the unified BARGE method to assess the bioaccessibility of arsenic, antimony, cadmium and lead in soils.  Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 6252–6260

Lorenzi, D, Entwistle, J, Cave, M, Wragg, J, and Dean, J R.  2012.  The application of an in vitro gastrointestinal extraction to assess the oral bioaccessibility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from a former industrial site.  Science of The Total Environment, 4.

Wragg, J, and Cave, M.  2012.  Assessment of a geochemical extraction procedure to determine the solid-phase distribution and bioaccessibility of potentially harmful elements in soils: a case study using the NIST 2710 reference soil.  Analytica Chimic Acta, 722, 45–54.


Cave, M R, Wragg, J, Denys, S, Jondreville, C, and Feidt, C.  2011.  Oral bioavailability. In Dealing with Contaminated Sites.  Swartjes, F (editor).

Wragg, J, Cave, M, Basta, N, Brandon, E, Casteel, S, Denys, S, Grøn, C, Oomen, A, Reimer, K, Tack, K, and Van de Wiele, T.  2011.  An inter-laboratory trial of the unified BARGE bioaccessibility method for arsenic, cadmium and lead in soil.  Science of The Total Environment, 409, 4016–4030.


Broadway, A, Cave, M R, Wragg, J, Fordyce, F M, Bewley, R J F, Graham, M C, Ngwenya, B T, and Farmer, J G.  2010.  Determination of the bioaccessibility of chromium in Glasgow soil and the implications for human health risk assessment.  Science of The Total Environment, 409, 267–277.

Cave, M R, Wragg, J, Harrison, I and Vane, C H.  2011.  Comparison of batch mode and dynamic physiologically based bioaccessibility tests for PAHs in soil samples.  Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 2654–2660.

Meunier, L, Walker, S R, Wragg, J, Parsons, M B, Koch, I, Jamieson, H E and Reimer, K J.  2010.  Effects of soil composition and mineralogy on the bioaccessibility of arsenic from tailings and soil in gold mine districts of Nova Scotia.  Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 2667–2674.

Meunier, L, Wragg, J, Koch, I, and Reimer, K J.  2010.  Method variables affecting the bioaccessibility of arsenic in soil.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 45, 517–526.


Cave, M, Palumbo-Roe, B, Klinck, B, and Wragg, J.  2008.  A lines of evidence approach to the assessment of the bioaccessibility as in soils in the UK.  Epidemiology, 19.


Cave, M R, Taylor, H, and Wragg, J.  2007.  Estimation of the bioaccessible arsenic fraction in soils using near infrared spectroscopy.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42, 1293–1301.

Grøn, C, and Wragg, J.  2007.  Foreword to BARGE special publication of the Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42, 1191.

Van de Wiele, T R, Oomen, A G, Wragg, J, Cave, M, Minekus, M, Hack, A, Cornelis, C, Rompelberg, C J M, Zwart, L L, de Klinck, B, Wijnen, J, van Verstraete, W, and Sips, A J A M.  2007.  Comparison of five in vitro digestion models to in vivo experimental results: Lead bioaccessibility in the human gastrointestinal tract.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42, 1203–1211.

Wragg, J, Cave, M, and Nathanail, P.  2007.  A study of the relationship between arsenic bioaccessibility and its solid-phase distribution in soils from Wellingborough, UK.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42, 1303–1315.

Wragg, J, and Klinck, B.  2007.  The bioaccessibility of lead from Welsh mine waste using a respiratory uptake test.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42, 1223–1231.


Abrahams, P W, Follansbee, M H, Hunt, A, Smith, B, and Wragg, J.  2006.  Iron nutrition and possible lead toxicity: An appraisal of geophagy undertaken by pregnant women of UK Asian communities.  Applied Geochemistry, 21, 98–108

Cave, M, Wragg, J, Klinck, B, Grøn, C, Oomen, A, van de Wiele, T, Ollson, C, Koch, I, Reimer, K, Basta, N, and Tack, K, 2006.  Preliminary assessment of a unified bioaccessibility method for potentially harmful elements in soils.  Epidemiology, 17.


Palumbo-Roe, B, Cave, M R, Klinck, B A, Wragg, J, Taylor, H, O'Donnell, K E, and Shaw, R A.  2005.  Bioaccessibility of arsenic in soils developed over Jurassic ironstones in eastern England.  Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 27, 121–130.


Oomen, A G, Hack, A, Minekus, M, Zeijdner, E, Cornelis, C, Schoeters, G, Verstraete, W, Van de Wiele, T, Wragg, J, Rompelberg, C J M, Sips, A J A M, and Van Wijnen, J H.  2002.  Comparison of five in vitro digestion models to study the bioaccessibility of soil contaminants.  Environmental Science & Technology, 36, 3326–3334.