BARGE member profile — Dr Adriënne Sips

Dr Adriënne Sips

Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
3721 MA Bilthoven
The Netherlands



Hunault, C C, van Velzen A G, Sips, A J A M, Schothorst, R C, and Meulenbelt, J.  2009.  Bioavailability of sodium nitrite from an aqueous solution in healthy adults.  Toxicology Letters, 190, 48–53.

Kabak, B, Brandon, E F A, Var, I, Blokland, M, and Sips, A J A M.  2009.  Effects of probiotic bacteria on the bioaccessibility of aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A using an in vitro digestion model under fed conditions.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 44, 472–480.


Van Velzen, A G, Sips, A J A M, Schothorst, R C, Lambers, A C, and Meulenbelt, J.  2008.  The oral bioavailability of nitrate from nitrate-rich vegetables in humans.  Toxicology Letters, 181, 177–181.


Van de Wiele, T R, Oomen, A G, Wragg, J, Cave, M, Minekus, M, Hack, A, Cornelis, C, Rompelberg, C J M, De Zwart, L L, Klinck, B, Van Wijnen, J, Verstraete, W, and Sips, A J A A.  2007.  Comparison of five in vitro digestion models to in vivo experimental results: lead bioaccessibility in the human gastrointestinal tract.  Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42, 1203–1211.


Brandon, E F A, Oomen, A G, Rompelberg, C J M, Versantvoort, C H M, van Engelen, J G M, and Sips, A J A M.  2006.  Consumer product in vitro digestion model: bioaccessibility of contaminants and its application in risk assessment.  Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 44, 161–171.

Oomen, A G, Brandon, E F A, Swartjes, F A, Lijzen, J P A, and Sips, A J A M.  2006.  How can information on oral bioavailability improve human health risk assessment for lead-contaminated soils? Implementation and scientific basis.  Epidemiology, 17.


Versantvoort, C H M, Oomen, A G, Van de Kamp, E, Rompelberg, C J M, and Sips, A J A M.  2005.  Applicability of an in vitro digestion model in assessing the bioaccessibility of mycotoxins from food, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 43, 31–40.


Oomen, A G, Rompelberg, C J M, Van de Kamp, E, Pereboom, D P K H, De Zwart, L L, and Sips, A J A M.  2004.  Effect of bile type on the bioaccessibility of soil contaminants in an in vitro digestion model.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 46, 183–188.


Oomen, A G, Rompelberg,C J M, Bruil, M A, Dobbe,C J G, Pereboom, D P K H, and Sips, A J A M.  2003.  Development of an in vitro digestion model for estimating the bioaccessibility of soil contaminants.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 44, 0281–0287.

Oomen, A G, Tolls, J, Sips, A J A M, and Groten, J P.  2003.  In vitro intestinal lead uptake and transport in relation to speciation.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 44, 0116–0124.

Oomen, A G, Tolls,J, Sips, A J A M, and Van den Hoop, M A G T.  2003.  Lead speciation in artificial human digestive fluid.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 44, 0107–0115.


Oomen, A G, Hack, A, Minekus, M, Zeijdner, E, Cornelis, C, Schoeters, G, Verstraete, W, Van de Wiele, T, Wragg, J, Rompelberg, C J M, Sips, A J A M, and Van Wijnen, J H.  2002.  Comparison of five in vitro digestion models to study the bioaccessibility of soil contaminants.   Environmental Science & Technology, 36, 3326–3334.


Oomen, A G, Tolls, J, Kruidenier, M, Bosgra, S S D, Sips, A J A M, and Groten, j P.  2001.  Availability of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and lindane for uptake by intestinal Caco-2 cells.  Environmental Health Perspecti, 109, 731–737.


Oomen, A G, Sips, A J A M, Groten, J P, Sijm, D T H M, and Tolls, J.  2000.  Mobilisation of PCBs and lindane from soil during in vitro digestion and their distribution among bile salt micelles and proteins of human digestive fluid and the soil.  Environmental Science & Technology, 34, 297–303.


Oomen, A G, Tolls, J, Kruidenier, M, Bosgra, S S, Sips, A J, and Groten, J P.  1997.  Absolute bioavailability of lead from soil.  Environmental Health Perspect, 109, 731–737.